Employment Opportunities

Current Job Vacancies

While we may not have any positions available at this time, if you are interested in becoming a part of our team, please submit your resume with a covering letter to admin@foothillsanimalhospital.com.au resume’s will be kept on file, should a position become available.

Byford vet with a puppy

Veterinary Nursing

Vet Nursing is a very rewarding career path to go down. The job however, is physical, hands on and often mentally draining. It requires someone who is not afraid of getting their hands dirty but who is also kind and compassionate.

If you are interested in becoming a vet nurse, we strongly recommend studying through either:

South Metropolitan Tafe http://www.southmetrotafe.wa.edu.au/courses/certificate-iv-veterinary-nursing

or Applied Vocational Training (AVT) https://www.appvoc.com/

These programs provide a far greater amount of hands on training than studying online and therefore, we only take on work experience students who are studying through these institutions. For more information on these qualifications contact your selected registered training organisation or go to the National Training Information Service  to choose.

Today, you can go far in a Veterinary Nursing career, aiding the Veterinarian in almost all parts of Veterinary Medicine. Nursing is a career of love. Like entry level nurses, the most experienced nurses must be willing to get their hands dirty and work flexible hours for modest wages.

Work experience is necessary for completion of studies in Veterinary Nursing. The hours needed to complete the course can differ between Training organisations. To enquire about work experience, please send a cover letter and resume to admin@foothillsanimalhospital.com.au 



A career as a Veterinarian is a very challenging one yet the rewards are numerous. The ability to work under pressure is a must and the field attracts people who are logical thinkers, problem solvers and lovers of animals. It is important to note that a large part of a veterinarians job is dealing with owners and so, people skills are also a must.

To become a qualified veterinarian, you will need to complete a three-year, 6 semester Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Biology) that progresses into an integrated two-year, 6 trimester DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). You are therefore able to complete your full qualification over 5 calendar years.

For more information visit https://www.murdoch.edu.au/study/courses/undergraduate/b1330