Consultations, Vaccinations and Microchipping
You are able to book consultations with one of our vets six days a week. We have twenty minute appointment slots. This enables us to be able to give your pet a thorough and careful check over. It is helpful if you could please make a note of any products you may be using for routine care e.g. flea or worming treatment plus details of the food you may be feeding at home. Our vets will take all of this into account when examining your pet and will advise of any changes as needed. Some of the common types of consultations we offer are detailed below.
It is essential that we give your pet a full clinical examination every year to make sure that nothing has developed that may effect their health. We all want our pets to live a long, happy and healthy life. We will consider every aspect of their health to make sure they are with us for years to come.
We will also review the vaccines they might need. We tailor the vaccination schedule according to your pet’s age and general health. Sometimes we suggest checking immune system antibody levels to check to see if vaccinations are even required that year or not.
Pets need a host of other regular treatments and we will make sure your pet gets the most appropriate ones at the right time. These may include treating internal and external parasites and preventing the dangerous heartworm.

Skin, Ear and Eye Assessments
Dogs are particularly prone to ear and skin problems. We understand how itchy skin can make your pet miserable. At Foothills we give the most up-to-date advice about how to stop the itch. The most common causes of itchy skin in dogs are skin parasites, skin infections, environmental allergies e.g. grass, dust mites and food allergies.
Diagnosis of the cause of your pet’s skin itchy skin or rash is a complex problem and every dog is different. Tests that may be done include skin scraping for mites, swabs for bacteria, allergy testing and in some cases skin biopsies. Treatment ranges from diet modification to topical skin treatments and medication. We are able to treat your dog with any skin problem and will sometimes use the services of Dr Sharon Bryden from Perth Vet Dermatology. Sharon will visit Foothills regularly and is able to offer allergy testing if your dog needs it.
We are also able to do full eye exams that include assessment of vision, eye-pressure measurements, monitoring of tear production and removal of lumps and bumps near the eyes. If you dog has a complex eye problem we are able to arrange for Dr Jonathan Wood from Veterinary Eye Referrals to see you dog at Foothills Animal Hospital at a time that is convenient to you.

Lumps, Bumps and Warts
Some lumps are benign and easy to remove, but some can be very serious indeed. We can usually tell the difference during the consultation but if we can’t, we know exactly how to find out. We can the discuss all the very best diagnosis and treatment options with you.

Senior Health Checks
At Foothills we pay special attention to older pets. We know that early detection of new problems is the best way to ensure a long life for pets. A simple health screen involves the drawing of a small amount of blood which we can then test for the presence of infection, anaemia, liver and kidney problems and several other serious illnesses. And the best news is that this is done in-house using our modern lab equipment. We will give you a full report just hours after you come to us with your pet.

Lameness and Arthritis
As pets get older they may get stiff and sore. But arthritis need not impede their quality of life. We will be able to tell you how severe their arthritis is and provide a wide range of solutions for the senior pet. Our vets are well versed in traditional and natural treatments for stiffness and manage to keep pets happy well into their later years. Sometimes animals injure themselves and will come home with a limp. With expert examination techniques, digital x-rays and the option of specialist consultation we can fix most sore legs one way or another.

Dental Checks
At Foothills Animal Hospital we offer FREE Dental Checks!! A healthy mouth equals a healthy pet. Cats with bad teeth are prone to kidney disease and in dogs tooth infections cause chronic pain and anorexia. Our vets can do thorough dental assessments during the consultation. If required they will implement a full dental plan. This usually involves a clean and scale of the teeth using special veterinary-specific dental equipment. Cleaning teeth regularly adds years to a pet’s life! For preventative dental care from the age of 6months in all dogs we recommend using products endorsed by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). These are products that have been tested under VOHC requirements and are shown to prevent tartar and plaque build up. Our favourite products for dental care are Hills Prescription Diet t/d Original bites & Small bites; Essential Healthy Mouth, Aquadent, Oral Cleanse Gel, Plaque Off and Petosan Pet Toothpaste.

Dog Vaccinations
We all know that keeping our pooch’s vaccinations up-to-date are important, but what are the diseases that we protect against, and why are they so important?
The vaccines we administer to dogs are termed “C5”. These vaccines offer protection against:…
Parvovirus – This virus is present in the soil and spread by the vomitus and faeces of affected dogs. It is a devastating gastroenteritis causing severe vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. Affected dogs require intensive hospitalisation however, the disease is often fatal.
Distemper – Due to vaccination of the dog population in Australia this disease is luckily now quite rare. It causes respiratory and neurological disorders and can be fatal
Infectious Hepatitis – A viral disease that leads to liver damage that can be irreversible and in some cases, fatal.
Parainfluenza – The viral component of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis (sometimes referred to as kennel cough) which causes a severe respiratory infection resulting in coughing. Contrary to popular belief, your dog does not need to be in a kennel to contract this disease.
Bordatella bronchiseptica – The bacterial component to Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis.
Prevention against these debilitating diseases is as simple as ensuring your dog’s vaccines are up to date. If you have any queries about vaccinations, please contact our clinic – we are more than happy to assist!

Cat Vaccinations
Just like dogs, cats need annual vaccinations and health check-ups too.
The vaccination most commonly received is termed “F5” however we also offer the “FIV” vaccine. The F5 protects against:…
Feline Infectious Enteritis – Also known as “Feline Panleukopaenia”, this disease causes vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dehydration and Dorothy Eldridge Outdoorsreduced white blood cells. If a queen contacts the disease while pregnant, the kittens will often be born with neurological problems. It is often fatal.
Feline Herpesvirus – Once of the causes of “Cat flu”, causing sneezing, nasal and ocular discharge, depressed appetite, mouth ulcers and conjunctivitis. This can develop to chronic disease leading to deformation of the nasal bones. The infection can also become latent, meaning in times of stress the disease will recur.
Feline Calicivirus – Another cause of “Cat flu”.
Feline Chlamydiosis – A bacterial disease that is mostly seen in multi-cat environments and causes a local infection of the mucous membranes of the eyes but may also involves the lungs
Feline Leukaemia FeLV – A virus that can result in a multitude of serious health problems for your cat, including everything from cancerous conditions such as leukaemia to a wide range of secondary conditions caused by the destruction of the immune system. Cats may not show symptoms of its presence for months, if not years, yet all the while infect others.
FIV (additional vaccine) – refers to “Feline Immunodeficiency Virus”. It causes immune deficiency that hinders the cat’s ability to protect itself against other infections, consequently leading to severe infections, chronic disease and death. This disease is predominately spread through bite wounds during cat fights. We strongly recommend protecting your cat against FIV, especially if they ever venture outdoors.
Prevention against these debilitating diseases is as simple as ensuring your cat’s vaccines are up to date. If you and any queries about vaccinations, please contact our clinic – we are more than happy to assist!
A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is injected under your pet’s skin. It can be done during a normal consultation. The microchip is embedded with a code unique to your pet and is the most effective form of permanent identification. This code is placed onto a national computer database, so it is particularly useful in the return of lost pets. In Armadale, microchipping is now compulsory. If a pet is ever lost and is handed in at a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, a microchip scanner is passed over the animal to reveal the unique code. The vet or animal shelter can then refer to the database to identify the name, address and phone number of the owner so that they can be reunited. Should you move or change any of your details in the future, you will need to get in contact with the database to update your details, as these will not update automatically. If your pet is not microchipped please give us a call to make an appointment to have one inserted. If you find a lost pet please call us on 9497 7488 to arrange a scan, we can reunite microchipped pets with their worried owners.